[AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Le principali novità dai congressi riguardanti la malattia da HIV (CROI, IAS/IAC, ICAAC...) e i nostri commenti.
Messaggi: 7525
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da Dora » martedì 23 luglio 2024, 6:18

Dora ha scritto:
martedì 9 luglio 2024, 5:18
Come da tradizione, a inizio AIDS 2024, il 22 luglio, UNAIDS presenterà un report su nuovi dati, che dovrebbero dimostrare la possibilità di raggiungere l'obiettivo della "fine dell'AIDS" entro il 2030 - da intendersi come "la fine dell'AIDS come minaccia alla salute pubblica": The Urgency of Now: AIDS at a Crossroads.

Naturalmente questo è subordinato alle decisioni che i leader mondiali prenderanno quest'anno riguardo ai finanziamenti e alle restrizioni dei diritti umani.
Con una PrEP che funziona in questo modo, un vaccino diventa molto meno necessario. Sempre che i leader mondiali cui UNAIDS fa riferimento siano disponibili a trovare le risorse per far arrivare il lenacapavir in ogni megalopoli dell'Asia e in ogni sperduto villaggio dell'Africa.

Con tutte le altre crisi mondiali che funestano questi anni, un'ipotesi che pare destinata a rimanere un wishful thinking.

Ieri UNAIDS ha presentato il suo report:

Comunicato stampa

Presentazione a AIDS 2024


PDF completo del report: The Urgency of Now: AIDS at a Crossroads — 2024 global AIDS update

Exexutive summary e fact sheet
Global HIV & AIDS statistics — Fact sheet
Global HIV statistics

39.9 million [36.1 million–44.6 million] people globally were living with HIV in 2023.
1.3 million [1 million–1.7 million] people became newly infected with HIV in 2023.
630 000 [500 000–820 000] people died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2023.
30.7 million people [27–31.9 million] were accessing antiretroviral therapy in 2023.
88.4 million [71.3 million–112.8 million] people have become infected with HIV since the start of the epidemic.
42.3 million [35.7 million–51.1 million] people have died from AIDS-related illnesses since the start of the epidemic

People living with HIV

In 2023, there were 39.9 million [36.1 million–44.6 million] people living with HIV.
38.6 million [34.9 million–43.1 million] adults (15 years or older).
1.4 million [1.1 million–1.7 million] children (0–14 years).
53% of all people living with HIV were women and girls.
86% [69–>98%] of all people living with HIV knew their HIV status in 2023.
About 5.4 million people did not know that they were living with HIV in 2023.

People living with HIV accessing antiretroviral therapy

At the end of December 2023, 30.7 million [27–31.9 million] people were accessing antiretroviral therapy, up from 7.7 million [6.7–8 million] in 2010, but still short of the 34 million target for 2025.
In 2023, 77% [61–89%] of all people living with HIV were accessing treatment.
77% [62–90%] of adults aged 15 years and older living with HIV had access to treatment, as did 57% [41–75%] of children aged 0–14 years.
83% [66–96%] of women aged 15 years and older had access to treatment; however, just 72% [56–84%] of men aged 15 years and older had access.
84% [72–>98%] of pregnant women living with HIV had access to antiretroviral medicines to prevent transmission of HIV to their child in 2023.

New HIV infections

New HIV infections have been reduced by 60% since the peak in 1995.
In 2023, 1.3 million [1 million–1.7 million] people were newly infected with HIV, compared to 3.3 million [2.6 million–4.2 million] people in 1995.
Women and girls accounted for 44% of all new infections in 2023.
Since 2010, new HIV infections have declined by 39%, from 2.1 million [1.7 million–2.7 million] to 1.3 million [1 million–1.7 million] in 2023. However, this falls far short of the target of getting below 370 000 by 2025.
Since 2010, new HIV infections among children have declined by 62%, from 300 000 [220 000–440 000] in 2010 to 120 000 [83 000–170 000] in 2023. Although progress in reducing new HIV infections is greatest among children, progress has stalled in recent years.
AIDS-related deaths

AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by 69% since the peak in 2004 and by 51% since 2010.

In 2023, around 630 000 [500 000–820 000] people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide, compared to 2.1 million [1.6 million–2.7 million] people in 2004 and 1.3 million [1 million–1.7 million] people in 2010.
The target for 2025 is fewer than 250 000.
AIDS-related mortality has declined by 56% among women and girls and by 47% among men and boys since 2010.
In 2023, someone died of HIV every minute.

People most affected by HIV

Median HIV prevalence among the adult population (ages 15–49) was 0.8% globally. However, because of marginalization, discrimination and in some cases criminalization, median prevalence was higher among certain groups of people.
2.3% higher among young women and girls aged between 15 and 24 in eastern and southern Africa
7.7% higher among gay men and other men who have sex with men
3% higher among sex workers
5% higher among people who inject drugs
9.2% higher among transgender people
1.3% higher among people in prisons.

Women and girls

Globally 44% of all new HIV infections were among women and girls (all ages) in 2023.
In sub-Saharan Africa, women and girls (all ages) accounted for 62% of all new HIV infections. In all other geographical regions, over 73% of new HIV infections in 2023 occurred among men and boys.
Every week, 4000 adolescent girls and young women aged 15–24 years became infected with HIV globally in 2023. 3100 of these infections occurred in sub-Saharan Africa.

Testing and treatment targets (95–95–95)

In 2023, 86% [69–>98%] of all people living with HIV knew their HIV status. Among people who knew their status, 89% [71–>98%] were accessing treatment. And among people accessing treatment, 93% [74–>98%] were virally suppressed.
Among children ages 0–14 years the 95–95–95 targets were 66% [47%–87%], 86% [62%–>98%], 84% [60%–>98%] Among women, the 95–95–95 targets were: 91% [72–>98%], 91% [73–>98%], and 94% [75–>98%].
Among men, the 95–95–95 targets were: 83% [65–97%] of adult men living with HIV knew their HIV status, 86% [68–>98%] were accessing treatment and 94% [74–>98%] were virally suppressed.
Among all people living with HIV, 86% [69–>98%] knew their status, 77% [61–89%] were accessing treatment and 72% [65–80%] were virally suppressed in 2023.


At the end of 2023, US$ 19.8 billion (in constant 2019 United States dollars) was available for the AIDS response in low- and middle-income countries—around 59% was from domestic sources.
Funding for HIV dropped by 5% from 2022 to 2023, and by 7.9% between 2020 and 2023.
Funding is far short of the US$ 29.3 billion (in constant 2019 United States dollars) which will be required for the AIDS response in low- and middle-income countries, including countries formerly considered to be upper-income countries, in 2025 to get on track to end AIDS as a public health threat.

Messaggi: 7525
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da Dora » martedì 23 luglio 2024, 6:27

Contestualmente, Winnie Byanyima, a capo di UNAIDS, ha raccolto l'adesione di medici, ricercatori, attivisti e lanciato un appello a Gilead perché trovi un modo per abbassare il prezzo del lenacapavir così da poterlo diffondere come efficacissima PrEP dove è più urgente e necessario.

Questo l'articolo uscito stanotte su MedicalXpress:
UN urges Gilead to 'make history' with game-changing HIV drug

Gilead could bring the AIDS pandemic towards an end if the US pharmaceutical giant opens up access to its game-changing new HIV drug, the head of UNAIDS told AFP.

Winnie Byanyima urged Gilead to "make history" by allowing generic manufacturing of Lenacapavir, a twice-yearly injectable antiretroviral medication used to treat HIV patients.

She urged Gilead to open up Lenacapavir to the UN-backed Medicines Patent Pool international organization, whereby cheaper generic versions could be sold under license in low- and middle-income nations.

Whatever the financial rewards of creating Lenacapavir, the renown of being the company that conquered the AIDS pandemic would be greater, Byanyima said.

"Gilead has an opportunity to take us closer to ending AIDS as a public health threat," Byanyima told AFP in an interview at UNAIDS' headquarters in Geneva.

"Gilead has an opportunity to save the world. To save the world, literally," from the pandemic.

"They can be the company that wins a Nobel Prize, for example. Reward doesn't come just through money. There is also recognition... imagine how great it would be."

In a different league
While around 10 million people with HIV still need to be reached with antiretroviral therapy, around 30 million are on such treatment.

Byanyima, the executive director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, said this was only possible thanks to innovations from pharmaceutical companies like Gilead.

But Lenacapavir is "so highly effective, it's in a different category of preventive medicines", she said.

Byanyima said the drug would help the hardest to reach.

"Those people hiding from the law—gay men, trans women—who could come out just twice a year to get their injection and be safe", she said, not to mention young women in Africa, fearing stigma and domestic violence.

Lenacapavir was approved for use for HIV patients in the United States and the European Union in 2022. It is available from around $40,000 a year in the US.

It is also being tested for potential pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use, to prevent people without HIV from getting the virus—with very promising interim results.

Byanyima insisted that through tiered pricing—for example someone in Nepal paying a fraction of the price of someone in Britain—Gilead could still turn a profit on Lenacapavir.

"We could come close to ending this disease," she insisted.

Gilead has previously said it is in talks with governments and organizations "as we work to reach our access goals".

2030 target
Broadly speaking, HIV innovations were producing better products for prevention and treatment with greater efficacy and fewer side effects, Byanyima said.

However, "a vaccine is very, very difficult to make. Same as a cure.

"But we have everything in between now for people to live long, healthy lives."

Some 1.3 million people were newly infected with HIV last year.

UNAIDS maintains it is possible to end HIV as a public health threat by 2030—but only if leaders make the right decisions on funding, resourcing and rights.

"We do see countries making progress towards that, which also proves that it is possible," said Byanyima.

She said that since 2010, some countries in sub-Saharan Africa had reduced new infections by more than half, and deaths by up to 60 percent.

However, "we also have regions such as Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Latin America where we see new infections moving in the wrong direction and rising," with stigma pushing people away from services.

'Fulfill the promise'
Byanyima also warned of a "well-coordinated, well-resourced pushback" against LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights and gender equality.

She cited the harsher Anti-Homosexuality Act imposed in her native Uganda, moves to decriminalize female genital mutilation in The Gambia and the US Supreme Court stripping constitutional protections for abortion.

The 25th International AIDS Conference takes place in Munich from Monday to Friday, bringing together governments, civil society, academia, scientists and people living with HIV to share knowledge.

Byanyima said she wanted to see a boost in the political will to conquer the AIDS pandemic.

"Fulfill the promise that this disease will end. No-one should suffer, living with HIV," she said.

"We have all the possibilities for people to live healthy lives. And we should do it."

Messaggi: 7525
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da Dora » mercoledì 24 luglio 2024, 14:51

Sul Journal of the International AIDS Society sono stati pubblicati gli abstract di AIDS 2024:

Abstract Supplement Abstracts from AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, 22 – 26 July, Munich, Germany & Virtual


Messaggi: 73
Iscritto il: martedì 29 dicembre 2020, 20:10

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da bastbux » mercoledì 24 luglio 2024, 14:59

Oggi era alla presentazione del primo studio per PrEP iniettabile ogni 6 mesi.

Zero infezioni HIV!


Gestisco insieme ad altre persone www.prepinfo.it dove diamo informazioni sulla profilassi pre esposizione per l'HIV.

Messaggi: 33
Iscritto il: sabato 20 ottobre 2018, 15:17

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da Enzenz » venerdì 26 luglio 2024, 18:54

Non si è capito se nei gruppi di controllo ci sono state infezioni hiv 2 o meno, e se quindi questa prep semestrale la si possa considerare efficace contro entrambe le infezioni.
Diciamo che se fosse confermata l'efficacia e magari si riuscisse ad arrivare ad una sola iniezione annuale si avrebbe qualcosa di simile ad un vaccino preventivo, però con efficacia del 100%.

Messaggi: 6803
Iscritto il: lunedì 26 novembre 2007, 0:07

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da uffa2 » sabato 27 luglio 2024, 10:03

Enzenz ha scritto:
venerdì 26 luglio 2024, 18:54
Non si è capito se nei gruppi di controllo ci sono state infezioni hiv 2 o meno, e se quindi questa prep semestrale la si possa considerare efficace contro entrambe le infezioni.
Diciamo che se fosse confermata l'efficacia e magari si riuscisse ad arrivare ad una sola iniezione annuale si avrebbe qualcosa di simile ad un vaccino preventivo, però con efficacia del 100%.
* 0 infezioni tra i 2134 partecipanti al gruppo lenacapavir (0 ogni 100 anni-persona; intervallo di fiducia [IC] al 95%, da 0,00 a 0,19),
* 39 infezioni tra i 2136 partecipanti al gruppo F/TAF (2,02 ogni 100 anni-persona; IC al 95%, da 1,44 a 2,76) e
* 16 infezioni tra i 1068 partecipanti al gruppo F/TDF (1,69 ogni 100 anni-persona; IC al 95%, da 0,96 a 2,74).

HIVforum ha bisogno anche di te!
se vuoi offrire le tue conoscenze tecniche o linguistiche (c'è tanto da tradurre) o sostenere i costi per mantenere e sviluppare HIVforum, contatta con un PM stealthy e uffa2, oppure scrivi a staff@hivforum.info

Messaggi: 73
Iscritto il: martedì 29 dicembre 2020, 20:10

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da bastbux » venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 6:18

Come promesso, qui il mio riassuntone della Conferenza https://www.dirittisessuali.it/p/prep-l ... ile-6-mesi

Su instagram ho anche messo delle storie in evidenza di quando ero là https://www.instagram.com/bastbuxx/ 💙

Gestisco insieme ad altre persone www.prepinfo.it dove diamo informazioni sulla profilassi pre esposizione per l'HIV.

Messaggi: 7525
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da Dora » venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 7:34

bastbux ha scritto:
venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 6:18
Come promesso, qui il mio riassuntone della Conferenza https://www.dirittisessuali.it/p/prep-l ... ile-6-mesi

Su instagram ho anche messo delle storie in evidenza di quando ero là https://www.instagram.com/bastbuxx/ 💙
Bravo! Molto dettagliato e chiaro, sarà un riferimento utile per tutti i frequentatori dell'HIVforum.
Grazie 💙

Messaggi: 73
Iscritto il: martedì 29 dicembre 2020, 20:10

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da bastbux » venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 7:50

Dora ha scritto:
venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 7:34
bastbux ha scritto:
venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 6:18
Come promesso, qui il mio riassuntone della Conferenza https://www.dirittisessuali.it/p/prep-l ... ile-6-mesi

Su instagram ho anche messo delle storie in evidenza di quando ero là https://www.instagram.com/bastbuxx/ 💙
Bravo! Molto dettagliato e chiaro, sarà un riferimento utile per tutti i frequentatori dell'HIVforum.
Grazie 💙
Mi fa molto piacere!

Gestisco insieme ad altre persone www.prepinfo.it dove diamo informazioni sulla profilassi pre esposizione per l'HIV.

Messaggi: 7525
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48

Re: [AIDS 2024] Monaco, 22-26 luglio

Messaggio da Dora » venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 8:00

bastbux ha scritto:
venerdì 2 agosto 2024, 7:50
Mi fa molto piacere!
Ho quotato il tuo post nel thread dedicato alla PrEP (non sia mai che si perda, confinato in un thread su un congresso ;) )

