10 compagnie si alleano per accelerare innovazione

I più importanti avanzamenti medico-scientifici al di fuori del campo HIV.
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10 compagnie si alleano per accelerare innovazione

Messaggio da uffa2 » venerdì 21 settembre 2012, 9:12

Unire le forze per accelerare lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci.
Con questo obiettivo 10 grandi gruppi farmaceutici internazionali hanno fondato ieri a Filadelfia l'organizzazione 'TransCelerate BioPharma'.
Le compagnie che vi aderiscono si impegnano a una maggiore collaborazione nelle prime fasi di ricerca e a definire standard comuni.
Questo affinché i nuovi medicinali arrivino prima sul mercato, ha spiegato Gerry Neil, a capo della neocostituita società.
Ma la collaborazione dovrebbe anche permettere di ridurre i costi.
Le aziende alleate sono Roche, Abbott, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson&Johnson, Pfizer, Sanofi e Boehringer Ingelheim.

Questo è il lancio di pharmakronos, direi pessimo... questa invece è la notizia in inglese su Yahoo finance, che permette di capire di più:

TransCelerate BioPharma Launched at BioPharm America™ in Boston
Ten big pharma unite to accelerate development of new medicines
Press Release: EBD Group – Wed, Sep 19, 2012 6:59 PM EDT

The fifth annual BioPharm America™ conference kicked off in Boston, MA, today with the announcement of TransCelerate BioPharma, a new non-profit organization focused on accelerating the development of new medicines. TransCelerate’s founding members are Abbott, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly and Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Genentech - a member of the Roche Group, and Sanofi.

Members aim “to work together across the global research and development community and share research and solutions that will simplify and accelerate the delivery of exciting new medicines for patients," according to newly appointed interim CEO of TransCelerate, Garry Neil, MD, Partner at Apple Tree Partners and formerly Corporate VP, Science & Technology, Johnson & Johnson.

“We aim to reduce bottlenecks in R&D and increase efficiency. This is all about accelerating transformative innovation. We have an obligation to stakeholders to find…new and transformative ways of doing things. We are really working collectively in a way we haven’t done before,” said Neil.

The announcement was made during the morning plenary and further discussed in an afternoon panel entitled “Best deal structures: How do you operationalize external R&D?” moderated by Abbie Celniker of Eleven Biotherapeutics with panelists Sridaran Natesan of Sanofi; Garry Neil of Apple Tree Partners; Caroline Rowe of Covance; Richard Soll of WuXi AppTec; and Frank Yocca of AstraZeneca.

Addressing the BioPharm America delegation at the plenary session, Carola Schropp, President of EBD Group, said, “I want to extend our congratulations to ten forward thinking pharma companies on the formation of TransCelerate. This new non-profit will foster pre-competitive collaboration to improve the drug development success rate.”

The event, organized by EBD Group, the leading partnering firm for the life science industry, is being held September 19–21, 2012 at the Westin Boston Waterfront in Boston, MA in collaboration with the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council (MassBio).

Video coverage of this plenary and other highlights from BioPharm America 2012 will be posted online at http://www.ebdgroup.com/bpa/media/videos.php

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